Scan Bluetooth devices (using "BBC micro:bit" as namePrefix filter). Allows to interact with the micro:bit using the Bluetooth Accelerometer service.
Example MakeCode micro:bit project here (or here to open in MakeCode directly).
x: | - |
y: | - |
z: | - |
Requesting micro:bit Bluetooth devices... OK
Connecting to GATT server (name: BBC micro:bit [vezet], ID: NM00tM+ioo1GOdCxqC0/rg==)... NetworkError: Unsupported device.
Requesting micro:bit Bluetooth devices... NotFoundError: User cancelled the requestDevice() chooser.
Requesting micro:bit Bluetooth devices... NotFoundError: User cancelled the requestDevice() chooser.
Requesting micro:bit Bluetooth devices... NotFoundError: User cancelled the requestDevice() chooser.